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There is no doubt about it – this is a tough market that exists today for job seekers. This is especially true if you are looking for a job in large companies as most of them are scaling back quite a bit when it comes to the job market.
You can find a job in a difficult market if you take the following tips:
1. Rethink your skills and capabilities
The recession has many employers cutting jobs, but hiring those that can help them cut costs and restructure offices. If you have skills in budgeting, accounting or human resources, they might come in handy right now. Hone in on these skills and then restructure your resume so that you are able to land a job. There are jobs available, they just are not as plentiful as they were in the past. If you have the skills that major companies need for restructuring, however, you will find plenty of opportunity for employment.
2. Improve your resume
Make sure that your resume sparkles and highlights all of your accomplishments. Many people who got laid off from their jobs are using the same resume as they did in the past with little updates. This is a very competitive job market, so in order to succeed, you have to shine a little. Even if you have to pay a professional, it is well worth it to get the resume that will get you the job.
3. Network, network, network
Leave no stone unturned when you are trying to find a job in a difficult market. You should be using any and all resources allotted to you at this time. These include friends, family members, past employers and even internet resources. Take a look online at the job seeking networking sites and you may be able to find out more tips on where to find employment. Also, if you have not used a recruiter in the past, you will want to use one now. A vast majority of those who have been placed into jobs are placed because of persistent recruiters.
4. Do not give up
Contrary to what you may hear, there is work out there – you just have to be persistent in finding it. Yes, it can be disheartening to go from job interview to job interview without any offers, but that does not mean that you have to throw in the towel. Continuing to look and not giving up is the key to finding a job in a difficult market.
5. Look your best
Be sure to dress appropriately for job interviews and look your best. It is a competitive job market out there, but sooner or later you are bound to find a job if you continue to look hard enough. Put your best foot forward and you will continue to land on your feet, even in a difficult job market.
About The Author
Ron Subs is a marketing consultant for